Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Cross Sound Ferry

Gray and layers of charcoal, the overlap and the morning sky thick, dark green conifer cover of southeastern Connecticut, was published by the floods clap of thunder and rain. Patches of land close to condensation, as the smoke created by a number of fires spiral tendrils up.

New London is situated on the River Thames and proudly displays its heritage with many historical buildings preserved, was in 1646 by John Winthrop, Jr., is developing a series of importantPort. With a fleet of 30 ships and about 900 employees in 1834, had the third largest whaling port after New Bedford and Nantucket, and today is a small crossroads: Bus passenger depot at the station, its gently curving path leading to the tracks current in parallel both Amtrak and Metro North trains, while the port acts as Ferry Cross Sound Company brings water to freeze Iceland and Long Island, the huge, steel ramps its boats Solve a dozen cars and trucks per hour. Although running 2.00 to Orient Point had just crawled away from the dock in this sultry August day was the departure of 3:00 vehicles booked already taken their positions in a number of roads Internat.

Privately owned and operated by brother and sister team Adam and Jessica Wronowski and is headquartered in New London itself was founded in the Cross Sound Ferry Company, the geographical challenges found around Long> Iceland and Connecticut. Separated from the East River and Long Sound Iceland, Iceland York long stretches over 110 miles from new, its northern coast approximately parallel to the southern shore of Connecticut, the two land masses are connected by bridges, but the Whitestone and Throgs Neck. Depending on a person close to the freeway, you could theoretically run 100 to 200 miles between the two arteries of the eastern Long-west of Icelandand Interstate 95 to reach his goal.

Remedy these shortcomings, the ferry company inaugurated in 1975 expected Cross sound, passenger and vehicle service between Long Island East End in East Point and New London, Connecticut, in, forging the necessary connection for the very first time.

Numerous factors, including Iceland has a population long wave, the East End vineyard increase tourism, the creation of Connecticut's Foxwoods and Mohegan SunCasino complex, and often the traffic choked streets in dramatic growth, has carried out daily for up to 23 departures in each direction during the peak season and more than one million passengers a year.

It operates a colorful fleet of eight ships.

The Caribbean, sports a foot in length 128 and a 1440 hp was thick, built in 1972 by Blount Marine in Warren, Rhode Island archipelago in the Caribbean and West Indian service, but was acquired byCross Sound five years later. Offer accommodating 130 passengers and 22 vehicles, was fitted with a new pilot house and loading dock in 1995.

The North Star, 1968 in Morgan City, Louisiana built to serve as an offshore supply vessel was purchased in 1984 and converted to the current use of the yard east of Panama City, Florida. Powered by a 1,800 horsepower engine, take the boat to 168 meters long and 300 passengers and 35 vehicles.

The 260 meters long, New London,deck, similar to the North Star with its elongated rear was exposed in 1979 was built on the Thames Shipyard and Repair Company in New London itself, but was equipped with a cabin top in 1992 and a 2400 hp Cummins diesel engine KTA38 M2-two years later, offering speeds up to 15 knots. This is one to make only three ships in the fleet. Receive the same number of passengers as the star of the north, offers a lot of deck space for almost twice his car, or 60

L '840 passengers, 80 cars, 250 meters Susan Anne, built in 1964, began its life as a prince Nova, the operation of the shuttle service between Caribou, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. In the yard of the Thames and repair company has changed largely Cross Sound after he had acquired in 1998, received a new cabin, the airline and seating stand, lift bridges, replaced the engine room, new electrical system and improved drive. Now powered bya 4,600 hp GM turbo diesel, the ferry round-bilge hull has reached 15 knots.

The Ellen Mary, built in 1983 and acquired 20 years later, is 260 meters and carries 800 passengers and 85 vehicles. Powered by an engine of 3,100 hp, is the third to reach 15 knots cruising speed.

Size larger, 327 meters, and most of the historic ships of the fleet had done the Cape Henlopen in 1941, was built as a trade World War II tank-carrying in Jeffersonville,Indiana, then called the USS LST 510, and took part in the D-Day invasion of Omaha Beach, the landing in Normandy, for which he won a battle star. Conversion to civilian use as a ferry passenger vehicles in 1966, he served in Lewes, Delaware, Cape May, New Jersey, distance, before returning to the Cross Sound 17 years later acquired. Equipped with a 3,000-horsepower diesel engine with EMD 12-645 in 1995, the boat is 900 passengers and 90 cars within its radius of 55 meters, reaching 12.5 knots.

L 'The Sea Jet, the INCAT Australia designed and built by Nichols Brothers shipyard in Seattle, Washington, 1989, is the fastest and only pure passenger ship in the fleet. The E-meter wave-piercing catamaran, 122, of 5,000 hp and driving dynamics control system has been shipping in 1995, three courses prior to purchase in: Boston-Nantucket Island, Hawaiian and other transport San Diego, Catalina Island Seine. 400 passengers accommodated inseats on two decks, cross the speed of sound in 40 minutes at 30 knots.

The largest capacity is just specific to the ferry cross sound system of the M / V John H, which was to run the starting point at 3:00 Eastern. Built in 1989 by Eastern Marine Shipping Company in Panama City, the boat with a 240-foot long, a beam of 60 feet, and ten meters deep, is the largest in the UP Coast Guard Subchapter T rules should be classified certifiedOperating on lakes, bays and sounds.

Espresso 22 June 1989, the ferry 98 tons, built in steel, a two-level deck for 120 cars, a bar and lounge on, a cabin with a seat in the middle of the Cross Sound Deli, a cabin in the stern and the arcade game, and integration of the upper deck with a solarium for a total of 1,000 people. flat screen televisions are positioned throughout.

Recently, cleaner combustion, reduced nitrogen oxide, 3,000-horsepower diesel retrofit reductionEngine it reaches 13 knots cruising speed. His call is the 6768th WAC

Swallowing the large number of lanes for cars and trailer loading feed through their input and takes them in his cavernous aft, main deck to keep the M / V John H be withdrawn hydraulically operated ramp and the ground disappendaged Connecticut, almost imperceptibly Tips from the dock with a low, vibrating rumble of the engine.

Gliding through the dark blue surface of the Thames, isNew London Harbor gone, the east coast more accessible, deep-water port for its next Atlantic and led the Division of General Dynamics Electric Boat shipyard, located on the east side in Groton. This is one of only two U.S. sites where nuclear submarines are built and maintained.

After sailing two miles, the boat passed a rocky promontory on the west side of the Thames and marking its entrance guarded by the New London Harbor Light. The result of the increasingtransport by sea, the lighthouse in its original form in 1761 was on a tower 64 meters of stone topped by a lantern made of wood and replaced even temporarily, half of the 1700 lighthouse.

Second, in 1801 replaced the lantern a foot stone tower in iron-89 and after a large crack, Sound had weakened the structure two years ago, the lighthouse octagonal brownstone, the fourth in North America and the first Long Island is like Connecticut's oldest and the first tohave a flashing light. The keeper's house was extended in 1863 to turn-of-the-century.

Sporting a solid white and red light area is the New London Harbor Light today an active aid to navigation, warning ships to risk Sarah Ledge.

As if one of the first generation GPS waypoint lighthouse was the first of a long period of negotiation will be entered on the ferry to the south-west Iceland sound progress along it. The majesticappear, slow, red-brick New London Ledge Light, with an attic and granite detailing, moved away from the port, which marks the entrance to the harbor.

been triggered by the industrial revolution has created the market for the New London Harbor Light was considered inadequate given the prevalence of silent, isolated, dry bar, and coastal States of homeowners in Connecticut who wanted to maintain the range of elegant uniformity dictated by its French Second Empire style had aBuilt in 1901 by Douglas R. Hamilton Company of New London. It 'was one of the last lighthouses built in New England.

His birthplace was towed to the site and filled with concrete and riprap before sinking in 28 m depth, which compares its masts of 50 square meters of cement, up 18 feet above the sea by building on it. Three levels of windows represent the same number of stories. A lantern in cast iron, home to four sport order Fresnel lens and oil lampvapor lamp, got out of the attic. A fog signal was recorded 1911th Its light consisted of 30 seconds intervaled single and triple-flashing red and white. 1987 was the last lighthouse on Long Island Sound to be automated.

Care 13 knots, the M / V John H. Fisher crept past Iceland.

The neo-Gothic style Race Rock Lighthouse, perched on a round base, immediately transferred through the left side. Located at the western end of the island,Mini-castle published structure marked the most vulnerable area, bosses small, penetrating 70 feet of water was the cause of many shipwrecks and collisions. It was the first on January 1, 1879.

Referenceless swallowed by the fast moving vacuum formed by the dirty-white cloud of fog and mirror the surreal brightness of the sound across Iceland from somewhere in New London and Orient Point, the M / V John H kept between a newly recorded from 13 knots, theonly be verified by the bubbly wake dragged. But a thin line of pencil marks its origin and destination, seemingly right between the stern and the bow. A strong wind, trying to counter the thick humidity and heat of sulfuric acid, was only slightly triumphant. Long Sound Iceland itself, limited by the York County of Westchester, New, and the Bronx in the West and East Point and Plum, Gull, and Fishers Island, east, measuring 90 km in length from three to 20 miles wide, with a consequent1180 square miles, sound semi-closed area nestled between the East River and stop Iceland. Was part of the international waterway Atlantic.

Its basin, through the pre-formed ice age lowered because of two glacial advances increase its change in water depths of over 100 meters and a fresh water lake in a non-tidal zone tidal salt marshes of the sea .

The mouth of the Connecticut River in Old Saybrook, opens into the sound away andMost of its drainage, run fast with that of the Housatonic and Thames River, its eastern end is open from a catchment area that is almost 13 times its surroundings.

Its waters are rich in oily fish, lobsters, crabs, mussels and oysters, and the watershed supports around eight million people.

In the living room in front of the M / V John H, drinking alcoholic beverages to passengers, while others bought a snack or a late lunch at the Cross Sound Deli in the center of the cabin. TVViewing and reading have been widely used in the rear, and a handful of weathered the radiation and wind on the open deck above.

Gull Island is located seven miles northeast of Orient Point, halfway between Plum Island and fishermen, in continuous movement from the port side.

Once the site of a military fortress, Great Gull was a wildlife research station at the American Museum of Natural History, established in 1948 to study migratory terns.

Bought by Samuel Wyllys1659, little gull, preceded by several owners, eventually fell into the hands of the government with its 1803 purchase of $ 800 for a lighthouse on an optimal design, one acre of land, the situation fully. Unlike some of the existing foundations in favor of rock, and its need all the other materials had to be transported into the sea to the island.

The tower of 59 meters, sand smooth, hammered and laid in courses and internships with a spiral wooden lanternScale setting room was built in 1805 in operation, and a separate floor and a half quarters wooden stand with two bedrooms upstairs and one upstairs. A circular, 100 feet in diameter, stone wall 11 feet thick, protecting the storm should have been taken during the summer 1817th

A great beacon light of 81 feet in 1867 to a wall five feet thick built-coated base, replaced the previous structure and is attached to a wood and graniteGoalkeeper home three years later. A second order Fresnel lens was the first time in December 1869.

Period of 177 years of presence, has succumbed to the automation station in 1978.

Arcs in a left turn into the water, now reflects the deep blue sky powder blue, the M / V input John H "race", so called because often more than five knots of tidal currents, combined with strong winds and designated onshore waves to produce dangerous rip tides. Cracking sparkling white capswith his bow, shook on its axis.

Plum Island, the largest of the three atolls extending towards the north-east in Long Island Sound, had, like Little Gull, was acquired in 1659 by Samuel Wyllys from Wyandanch, the Montauk Sachem. In 1775 it was the site of an amphibious landing of the Continental troops under the command of General David Wooster, in order to thwart potential attacks on livestock by the British, as a base for coastal artillery hadwas built more than a century later, in 1899 during the Spanish-American War. Again assuming a protective role was guarded Peak Long Island Sound and New York Harbor during the two world wars she occupied by about 1,000 soldiers with traces that can accommodate the batteries was smaller and neighborhoods of brick, where he was. Using some of the old officers and stables in 1984, the U.S. Department of Agriculture is a laboratory.

A40-foot tower topped by ten rough stone lamps reflects the island's first lighthouse was in 1827, a year after Richard Jerome had sold three of his 840 acres in the United States government. Replaced by a 23-foot high, double floor, granite, and almost the structure of the church appeared in 1869, thus marks the westernmost point of the traditionally treacherous waters.

Emitting a faint hum, the m / v John H cruised past Plum Gut Harbor, moving the date of the rock black and whiteoutcrop-Orient Point Lighthouse, right on the spot, after it was in and sits in imminent arrival.

Built 1898-1899 Good until the end of Oyster Point Reef and guide ships through the dangerous currents Plum, the lamp is curved cast iron plates together, form a cone screwed included brand was based on a circular, box of 21 m in diameter filled with concrete and lined with brick exterior. He uses a portion of theRock Oyster Point as the base. The structure at 64 feet, often the "coffee" because of its appearance, including five degrees to the southeast. E 'was automated in 1966.

Reduce the speed and size of wake enturbulation Turquoise generated by its positive long ferry departed on Iceland, on Gardiner's Bay before the introduction of a rotation to the right towards the end of the tip of North Fork, outgoing, Connecticut bound Mary Ellen,Sport his two back, gold and black-stack, bypassing the M / V John H curve in an arc on the left, as he passed in East Point Lighthouse. Another "waypoint" lighthouse remained for docking, the Orient Long Beach Bar Light that marks the entrance to East Harbor.

screw pile on a platform that is ten meters from the sand invaded the bay below, was crowned the 60-meter high structure through a fifth order lens with a steady red light, while wood-frame keeper dual-plane "House was covered with a mansard roof.

During the winter, his thin legs are often encased in ice two feet thick. In 1824, for example, he tore the dock, and in 1881 he broke three of his posts and almost all of his braces.

The sandbar, more and more taken away from the lighthouse at the end is superfluous, and made in 1963, was destroyed by arson total.

By the year 1990, a tri-section working replica of the original, which was nicknamed the 'errorwas the light, "because it seemed a mistake to go in the water built, and was the place where the crane. controlled by the U. S. Coast Guard, three years after he was brought, once again designated public aid to navigation.

With difficulty moving through the door, the M / V John H ceased movement, opening his forehead, mouth-like entrance ramp and the lights reappendaging country after Iceland 16.5 miles long journey through sound and its differentspat the parade of vehicles from its cavernous hold Orient Point, the easternmost part of the city and gateway to the North Fork Southold vineyards, farms, and village water Greenport.

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