Thursday, December 9, 2010

How To Find a TOP RI Lawyer Without Driving More Than Twenty Minutes

It's an often stated joke that Rhode Islanders don't like to travel further than they can throw a quahog. Even in a small state like Rhode Island, people have difficulty finding the right lawyer for their needs simply because they don't like the idea of driving "all the way to Providence" to see one.

It's a unique and charming aspect of being a true Rhode Islander: we don't like to travel. It's something that is a well-known quirk for natives of this little state. It takes a little over an hour to travel from Westerly to Woonsocket, but you can bet that someone living in Woonsocket would only travel to Westerly if they're going to the beaches there. They certainly will never travel a hour (!) to Westerly to find a lawyer.

That's why for our little state, finding a lawyer that's a ten-minute drive away is so important. Residents of other states scratch their heads at this trait. Live in Warwick and drive to Providence for a lawyer? Are you crazy? Even though it's only fifteen minute drive, most people won't do it. They want someone close by, someone they can easily drive to.

Some attorney directories list lawyers by specialty and by town. These directories make it easy for Rhode Islanders to not only find the right attorney for their needs, but also ones with practices close to where they work or live. And in Rhode Island, that's usually the same place.

But when picking an attorney, it's best to look at more than where they live. It can be an expensive and timely mistake to hire a lawyer simply because you can walk to their office. Find several lawyers in your area and interview them all before making a decision.

With more than 6,000 lawyers in the state, it has one of the biggest lawyer to resident ratios in the country. Chances are, you'll know a lawyer. But just because you know a lawyer doesn't mean you should hire them.

While Rhode Island does not have specific criteria for an attorney's specialty, most attorneys do specialize in one aspect of law. That's why it's so important to find a lawyer who lives near you and who can handle every aspect of your case quickly and easily. The best defense attorney in the world shouldn't represent you in your divorce-even if it is your best friend from high school.

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