Monday, October 18, 2010

Wine Travel - Iceland tiny Rhode Big On Wine

If you've never been to Rhode Island, we must first encourage you to visit. In short, the smallest of our 50 states is unforgettable. Often called "America's First Resort", a tiny Rhode Island and much more. The climate is tempered by the Atlantic Ocean, there are miles and miles of beautiful beaches (and views) to enjoy and enjoy.

Farther inland, Rhode Island offers historic and cosmopolitan cityProvidence and a surprising variety of agricultural activities by a small but flourishing wine industry stopped. If this surprises you, you are not alone ... It surprised us too! But the grapes grow in abundance here figures and wine producers have adapted their art in line with what nature offers.

There are five wineries in the state, so this wine is a perfect weekend destination. It is interesting to note that the climate in Iceland is very similar to Rhode northern France,which is famous for its wine production. Since Providence is our starting point, we learn a bit 'more about this fascinating and vibrant city, next to Narragansett Bay.

Explore Providence

We were pleased to find that Providence, the capital of Rhode Island, with a population of 175,000, is a city very viable. What better way to discover a city that feel the pulse of his feet? A neighborhood destinations are Wayland Square Providence, Federal RepublicHill, and of course the old town.

Federal Hill, a long time for its "Little Italy" area is known, is full of restaurants. If you lose a fan of independent stores and shops, not Wayland Square on the east side of town. And do not forget, downtown Providence, a destination for restaurants, nightlife and historic architecture.

Rhode Iceland Wine

Since Rhode Island is a small state, you could probably visit all five wineriesin two days. However, it is expected to miss the simple pleasure of discovering all Rhode Iceland has to offer. We were surprised how green and rural area, since she had traveled outside of Providence.

A few minutes from the Massachusetts border is the town of Cumberland, the home of the vineyards of Diamond Hill. On a site of 34 hectares, is so picturesque that weddings and special events are common in front of the house 220 years old vineyard. Known for itsPinot Noir, Diamond Hill also has an excellent reputation for fruit wines.

South of Providence to Newport County, there are three wineries: Greenvale Vineyards, Newport Vineyards and Sakonnet Vineyards and Winery. Every place is a scenic gem! Besides the beauty of the landscape, each winery is home to many seasonal events to relax and enjoy crisp, delicious vintages Rhode Iceland.

Leave the area and in the direction of Newport, Rhodesouth-west coast of Iceland, see Langworthy Farm Winery in Westerly, two steps from the sea to the Atlantic. Langworthy is accepted on a farm with a Victorian farmhouse in 1875, overnight guests. The resort is a beautiful maple tree that supposedly is the largest of its kind in the country.

You'll find wine for every taste in these charming wineries, from the depths of complex red wines Riesling too bright and fresh. So here is too littleRhode Island ... small, but very, very big in the food and wine landscape! Once you visit, you will never forget. Cheers!

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